ai 巨乳
2009年获北京科技大学学士学位,2012年获北京大学硕士学位,2016年获好意思国辛辛那提大学环境工程专科博士学位。2016至2019年在好意思国疾病杀青与防患中心国度奇迹安全与健康盘考院从事科研责任。行动技俩主要完成东谈主参与好意思国奇迹盘考基金(NORA)和NIOSH纳米工夫盘及第心基金(NTRC)技俩,主握国度当然科学基金委面上技俩、国度重心研发考虑课题、国度动力集团要紧科技攻关技俩等。盘考扫尾在气溶胶、分析化学、光谱学、传感器等限制的外洋闻明期刊如《Aerosol Science and Technology》《Journal of Aerosol Science》《Analytical Chemistry》《Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry》《ACS Sensors》上发表,授权国度发明专利20余项、软件文章权3项,在国表里要紧学术会议上申报近20次。曾获2016年辛辛那提大学优秀博士毕业论文奖、2023年NIOSH Alice Hamilton Award。
Lina Zheng
Department of Occupational hygiene Engineering, School of Safety Engineering,
China University of Mining and Technology
No.1, Daxue Road, Xuzhouai 巨乳, Jiangsu, 221116, P.R.China
Phone: 0086-18151305753
Aerosol monitoring; Dust control; Aerosol chemical analysis; Aerosol instrumentation; Raman spectroscopy; Microplasma spectroscopy
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S., 2016 (Environmental Engineering)
M.S., Peking University, Beijing, China, 2012 (Environmental Engineering)
B.E., University of Science and Technology Beijing, China, 2009 (Environmental Engineering)
Dust Control
Workplace Environment Monitoring and Evaluation
Aerosol Science
Wufan Xuan; Lina Zheng; Lei Cao; Shujie Miao; Dunan Hu; Lei Zhu; Yulong Zhao; Yinghuai Qiang; Xiuquan Gu; and Sheng Huang; Machine Learning-Assisted Sensor Based on CsPbBr3@ZnO Nanocrystals for Identifying Methanol in Mixed Environments, ACS Sensor, 2023, 1252–1260
Lina Zheng, Jing Huang, Lingyu Liu, Jialin Li, Zikang Feng & Yingshuo Zhu. (2024). Detection of surface contamination for particulate metals using spark emission spectroscopy. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 39, 1118-1124.
Zheng,男同做爱 L., Birch, M. E., Johnson, B., Breitenstein, M., Snawder, J., & Kulkarni, P. (2023). Correlation between Graphitic Carbon and Elemental Carbon in Diesel Particulate Matter in Workplace Atmospheres. Analytical Chemistry, 95, 6, 3283–3290.
Zikang Feng; Lina Zheng; Jia Liu; Classification of household microplastics using a multi-model approach based on Raman spectroscopy, Chemosphere, 2023, 325:138312
Zheng, L., Kulkarni, P. (2019). Real-time Measurement of Airborne Carbon Nanotubes in Workplace Atmospheres. Analytical chemistry, 91(20), 12713-12723.
Zheng, L. Kulkarni, P., Birch M.E., Ashley, K, and Wei, S. (2018). Analysis of Crystalline Silica Aerosol Using Portable Raman Spectrometry: Feasibility of Near Real-time Measurement, Analytical Chemistry, 90(10), 6229-6239.
7. Zheng, L., Kulkarni, P., and Diwakar P. (2018). Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Pulsed Spark Microplasma Used for Aerosol Analysis. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 144, 55-62.
8. Zheng, L., Kulkarni, P., and Dionysiou, D. (2018). Calibration Approaches for the Measurement of Aerosol Multielemental Concentration Using Spark Emission Spectroscopy, Journal of Analytical and Atomic Spectrometry, 33, 404-412.
9. Zheng, L. and Kulkarni, P. (2017). Rapid Elemental Analysis of Aerosols Using Atmospheric Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 89(12), 6551-6558.
10. Zheng, L., Kulkarni, P., Zavvos, K., Liang, H., Birch M. E., Dionysiou, D. (2017). Characterization of an Aerosol Microconcentrator for Analysis Using Microscale Optical Spectroscopies, Journal of Aerosol Science, 104, 66-78.
11. Zheng, L., Kulkarni, P., Birch, M. E., Deye, G., and Dionysiou, D. (2016). Near Real-Time Measurement of Carbonaceous Aerosol Using Microplasma Spectroscopy: Application to Measurement of Carbon Nanomaterials, Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(11): 1155-1166.